Family Worship Service – Sundays 10:00-11:15 am, includes Communion Service on the first Sunday of each month. The Church operates as a family model of Church. It is conservative in its Theology. The services are conducted in English, but we have over a dozen different ethnic groups represented in our Church.
Junior Church – meets every Sunday of School Terms during a portion of the worship service, catering to children from preschool to year 6. We have a roster with several adult teachers and teenage helpers.
School Scripture – members of our church currently teach School Scripture at three local schools weekly.
Prayer Meeting – held Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm at the church property
C.A.R.E (Christ’s Ambassadors Rescuers Evangelists) Fellowship – Run by Filipino members of our congregation primarily for people from the Philippines, yet open to all. Meets last Saturday of every month as well as bi-monthly Bible studies.
Special Events – Each year we celebrate Easter and Christmas with events geared towards welcoming the local community into our Church. These include Family Fun Days, carol singing and special services. We also celebrate the anniversary of our Church each September with a Saturday night dinner and guest speakers.
Our church property hosts weekly meetings for groups, not affiliated with our church, from Samoa and Greece.