The minister of Parramatta Church, Rev. J. Straughen, was the first acting minister, and had the oversight of the church from 1888 to 1897.
Rev. E. Price was honorary Pastor from 1897 to 1901.
Rev. C. T. Way commenced his ministry in February, 1901, and continued until 1905 (first term).
Mr. Way purchased the property upon which this building stands during the second term of his ministry—1908 to 1915—and offered it to the Church, provided they raised the sum of £130, equivalent to the value of the land, within a stated time. The Church took up the challenge and gratefully accepted the generous gift of the Pastor. This happened in 1909, and the members got to work preparing for the building of a new Church.
Rev. H. D. Archer was Pastor from 1905 to 1907, having received the call when Pastor at Castlemaine, Victoria. Unfortunately, Mr. Archer’s health was against him, and in 1907 he resigned and went to reside at Bathurst.
Rev. A. Metters, 1907 to 1908. The ministry of Rev. A. Metters was also of brief duration. Mr. Metters came from Devonport, Tasmania, and in his ministry at Granville had also the oversight of Liverpool Church.
Rev. T. C. Way, 1908 to 1915. Second term.
Rev. H. Halmarick, 1915 to 1916—eleven months. Mr. Halmarick’s ministry was of brief duration, too.
Rev. S. A. McDonald—1916 to 1920, Mr. McDonald had a trying time during his ministry through the war period. Under his ministry the work was consolidated.
Rev. H. Clark. 1921 to 1923. Mr. Clark’s ministry yielded fruit and we had the joy of witnessing many pass through the baptismal waters. During his ministry in Granville, Mr. Clark was Vice-President and President of the Baptist Union, and on that account he was away from his pulpit many Sundays. The Church willingly helped Mr. Clark in his Union activities.
Rev. E. H. Swan. December, 1923, to May, 1927. Mr. Swan attracted many to the services and the mid-week meetings grew in numbers. Many were won for the Master during his ministry in Granville.
Rev. J. H. Deane, B.A., B.D. 1927 to 1933. In calling to the ministry Mr. Deane (then a High School teacher), the Church brought before the notice of the Baptist Union, a young man of high Christian ideals and a man of scholastic ability. Mr. Deane spent a period in the Baptist College as student, at the same time acting as Pastor, being ordained to the full ministry in 1930. During Mr. Deane’s ministry at Granville, he was appointed Assistant Principal of the Baptist College. After a period of six years’ ministry, he resigned to take the oversight of the Blackheath Church. Cultured and devout, his preaching attracted many to the Saviour.
Rev. C. G. Orford, L.Th. 1934 to 1936. In January, 1934, Mr. and Mrs. Orford came into our midst to carry on the work vacated by the former Pastor and his wife. Mr. Orford’s ministry was a short one, he resigning in 1936. During Mr. Orford’s ministry, the attendances were well maintained, and his preaching was of a high order and attracted large congregations.
Rev. J. Douglas Mill. 1936. Our present Pastor, Rev. J. Douglas Mill, commenced his ministry in December, 1936, and is still with us. He and his wife have endeared themselves to the Granville folk, and we trust they will long be spared to minister for the King of Kings in this part of His vineyard.